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Support Groups

At Christ Church, we offer a variety of support groups for those who are going through some of life’s toughest situations including divorce, cancer, and grief. Explore these support group opportunities to learn more and how to begin to heal.

Caregiver SUPPORT Group

While providing care and support for another is a privilege and often very rewarding, it can also be difficult and exhausting in many ways. The purpose of this group is to support and encourage caregivers as they journey through the ups and downs of this high calling.

Join on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, from 7:00-8:30 pm in room A108 at Christ Church, Lake Forest.

For questions and more detailed information email Beth Whartnaby at whartnabybb@me.com.

New Horizons Widow Group

New Horizons is a group for widows to mutual support and care. The group meets once a month. Email Lori Glattly for more information: lglattly@gmail.com


If you are going through a difficult trial such as death loss, family/relationship loss, shattered dreams, life transitions, or other hard life situations, we can connect you with a care companion or a support group. Our 1-1 Care Ministry offers you a trained lay volunteer to provide a confidential, caring, and supportive companion. If you are struggling with the death of a loved one, Grief Support Groups are offered throughout the year at various locations to support you.

Next Grief Support Group is April 8 – May 6, from 7:00 – 8:30pm
at the Lake Forest Campus

Contact: griefsupport@christchurchil.org


 Second Tuesday of each month, 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Contact Carmen Everding at everdingc@gmail.com or 847-571-7924.

This group is a safe and secure environment for cancer survivors and loved ones to share their personal journey with cancer at their own pace. You can just drop in anytime. No registration required.

While you do not need to hold to biblical worldview to attend, the curriculum used is based on truths and hope offered in the Bible.

Our groups are not structured for individual counseling  needs but rather meaningful support for every member as a group. We do not provide medical expertise nor financial assistance.

Post Abortive Bible Study

You’ve been silently regretful, feeling alone and in pain. However, you are NOT alone. One in four women have had a past abortion. Surrendering the Secret is a post-abortive Bible study which provides a safe and confidential place for women to heal whether your abortion was recent or decades ago. Come find freedom and healing through God’s grace. Join us in the journey of forgiveness and healing in a study offered each year.

Sign up confidentially by emailing sts@wbc.org.

Adoptive Families SUPPORT

Sequoia Families provide education, resources, reassurance and lots of love to all adoptive families in the Chicago suburban area, domestic or international, young or old, no matter what religion or what church you attend. In person meetings, and online support in groups and one-on-one sessions. Speaker presentations offered periodically throughout the year.

Sequoia Families name comes from the Sequoia National Forest. Sequoia trees grow up to 300 ft. Tall, yet they have very shallow root systems going down only 6-12 inches. In order to survive, each tree’s roots spread and intertwine with the others providing strength and support. So too, adoptive families roots are shallow and in order to grow strong, need the help of each other.

Contact Laura Adams at (972)489-0063 or laura_adams@me.com

Divorce and Separation Support

Divorce and separation recovery group for individuals who have experienced divorce or are experiencing divorce or separation. Everyone is welcome to join the group at anytime. We meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesday each month on Zoom, so we hope you can join us!

Sign up here.

1-1 Care Ministry

Our 1-1 Care Ministry provides a Care Companion to come alongside you if you are facing a spiritual crisis, life challenge, or a time of loneliness or discouragement. There are times when each of us needs the confidential care and support of another person. Our Care Companions are trained men and women lay volunteers, who will provide you with a caring, nonjudgmental place to be listened to for emotional and spiritual care.

Contact:  Susan Neaman at sneaman@christchurchil.org

Family Support Group

A monthly support group for parents of kids of all ages struggling with addiction. Family Support group is a place without judgment but encouragement in how to love our kids that are struggling.



A monthly support group for men struggling with sexual integrity. If you are struggling with pornography or other sexual sins/addictions this is a safe space for accountability, encouragement, and support. The group is completely anonymous from the church staff and anyone outside the group.

Email: safespacecc1@gmail.com for more information. The group meets on Zoom on the third Mondays of the month.

Thriving with ADD/Adhd

Be a part of a monthly care group for those diagnosed with ADD/ADHD. This will be in person and on zoom.